Site Improvement Plan

Strategic Direction #1: Improving teaching and personalized learning for the development of each learner.

 How will   we   measure?  The percentage of all students enrolled in   Grade 11 at Chanhassen HS who meet each ACT   benchmark (reading, English, math, and   science) will increase by two percentage points   in each category.
 What are   we doing?
  • Deliberate instruction on ACT test-taking strategies and skills.

  • Targeted WIN sessions as we approach the ACT testing date (April)

  • Practice exams for our 9th and 10th grade students

 What will   you notice?  More students will enter 12th grade with ACT   scores that deem them college ready


Strategic Direction #2: Fostering a safe, welcoming, and inclusive environment

 How will   we   measure?  The percentage of Chanhassen HS students   who report via survey that they feel “seen,   heard, valued, and accepted for who they are,”   either Agree or Strongly Agree, will be above   90% and grow throughout the year.
 What are   we doing?
  • Expanding BARR (Building Assets, Reducing Risks) to both 9th and 10th grade (had previously been focused only on 9th grade).

  • Community-building activities across the school every month via BARR.

  • Using more student voice to inform staff professional development

 What will   you notice?
  • Students will feel more connected to other students and to staff at Chanhassen High School.

  • Students are able to identify their ‘trusted adults’ at Chanhassen High School.