PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports) is a multi-tiered framework for establishing systems, interventions and best practices around social-emotional and behavioral needs that enhances schools’ capacity to maximize outcomes for all students. This framework establishes common language and explicit expectations to help promote a positive school culture at Chanhassen High School.

Chanhassen High School PBIS guiding beliefs:

  • Behavior is a form of communication.
  • Schools set students up for success by teaching and modeling expected behaviors, with opportunities for students to practice behavior and get feedback.  
  • Each student is unique and valued thus, relationships are essential in creating a safe and positive school environment.
  • Appropriately collecting student behavior data (both desired and undesired) helps guide decisions and practices for individual students and the school as a whole.
  • School staff members are consistent in how they encourage expected behavior and discourage undesired behavior while always putting students’ individuality first.