Storm Football Player Expectations
Off the Field Expectations
The Chanhassen Storm Football Program will operate under the rules, regulation, and policies of the MSHSL, and the administrative policies of ISD 112. Within those frameworks we are aiming to build the highest quality football program possible that meets the needs of our students, alumni, school, and community.
As a Head Coach, I believe that our football program helps to provide a vital link between our school and our community. As a general rule, all players are to conduct themselves with class and dignity. Your behaviors are a reflection of our football program, our school, and our community.
All players must respect the authority of all our coaches, teachers, administrators, and support staff if you hope to remain part of our football family.
On the Field Expectations
Be a great teammate!! Always try to encourage your teammates, you have to genuinely want your teammates to do well. Pick them up when they are down.
Give 100% effort, 100% of the time. Remember that great effort is the result of having a great attitude. Always give your best!
As a player you get to play, that means let the referees officiate the game, and let the coaches’ coach. You worry about your job on the field.
As a player you must know that m y job as a coach is to prepare you for more than just Friday nights. Therefore, do not ask to be deprived of tension and discipline, these are the tools that will shape success in life.